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Newly listed homes in New York

Take a deep dive and browse homes for sale, original neighborhood photos, resident reviews and local insights to find what is right for you.


New York's premier development company Extell, has collaborated with a team of world-class talent to create an icon that reflects the quality, choice and excellence that distinguish Extell properties- One Manhattan Square.


New York's premier development company Extell, has collaborated with a team of world-class talent to create an icon that reflects the quality, choice and excellence that distinguish Extell properties- One Manhattan Square.


New York's premier development company Extell, has collaborated with a team of world-class talent to create an icon that reflects the quality, choice and excellence that distinguish Extell properties- One Manhattan Square.


New York's premier development company Extell, has collaborated with a team of world-class talent to create an icon that reflects the quality, choice and excellence that distinguish Extell properties- One Manhattan Square.


New York's premier development company Extell, has collaborated with a team of world-class talent to create an icon that reflects the quality, choice and excellence that distinguish Extell properties- One Manhattan Square.


New York's premier development company Extell, has collaborated with a team of world-class talent to create an icon that reflects the quality, choice and excellence that distinguish Extell properties- One Manhattan Square.








